Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekend Two!

So the peas I loved earlier in the week? Poison. Straight-up baaad news for me! I had/have hives - from Thur-till now. On my face (nose, cheeks) and ears. Sad!! Will look for an allergist next week...
My Craig left for a business trip (with a side of fun- he was at the U.S. Open today!!) on Saturday afternoon. I made my first trip to Target (yay!), and several hundred dollars later, headed back to the apartment to unpack and organize! I've made quite a bit of progress! (double yay!)
Sunday late morning I headed over to Pike Place. I even "tried on" the Seattle way to go about
town - backpack-style!

Did I pull it off? Not sure, b/c I've never ever worked a backpack as part of my "garb." BUT - I was out walking from 1130a-2p and it made for a much more comfortable outing!!
I had a great time soaking in the beautiful day, walk and ambience of the market. There's so many people, shops, energy...I loved it! Here's what I came home with:

Garlic Spears - I've never heard of these..they were wonderful - very mild garlic flavor..(they're in the back)
Asparagas - yummmmmm
fresh figs
"Temptation" melon - never heard of this gem, but it is fantastic!
Dark Chocolate linguine...yes, chocolate's dee-lish!
Goat cheese w/ truffle - I learned about this from Cara - she found this last weekend and I couldn't help but go back and get more!
Piroshky Piroshky - famous Russian bakery...this time I got sauerkraut, carrot, and cabbage. Was trying to be more "authentic" in my picking, but next time? I'm going for a potato/cheese or something sweet. This was a bit tooooo interesting for my tastebuds.

It was good to be out today...

I'm looking forward to what God/life will bring my way next week...especially my husband. I miss him...:-) Speaking of, I passed Mars Hill Grad School yesterday. Craig starts in the Fall. Exciting!!!

1 comment:

cara harjes said...

oh yes, you sure did pull of the "seattle style"! you look very hip!

yummy grocery finds! nicely done!

can't wait to see you!
we have a surprise or two up our sleeves!
